Inventory control and biospecimen lifecycle management for sponsors

Gain instant access to biospecimen data and regain control of your trial
Slope provides real-time sample management and associated data insights needed to inform critical study decisions.
Understand sample yield
Reconcile samples faster
Oversee site and vendor performance
Perform risk-based monitoring
Assess treatment safety and efficacy
Monitor disease progression
Expedite biomarker endpoints
Stratify patients appropriately

Eliminate trial inefficiencies and risk from your biosample operations.

Improve protocol and sampling compliance
Gain real-time visibility into site activity and study progress
Improve sample integrity and data quality
Automate sample chain-of-custody documentation
Enable faster reconciliation and study milestone completion
Reduce sample discrepancies and query burden
See Slope in action. Book a conversation to learn more.


Ensure research site sampling compliance

Slope standardizes biospecimen management at research sites, from kit supply to collection, processing, storage, and shipment. This significantly reduces biospecimen compliance challenges, increases efficiency, and yields more comprehensive biospecimen data.

Ensure site adherence to study biospecimen procedures and prevent sampling errors

Slope’s guided sample workflows enable sites to follow precise sampling instructions and automatically produce associated documentation with an audit trail.
By establishing guardrails for sample collection, processing, storage, and shipment, Slope prevents missed assessments and lost or mishandled samples, increasing site compliance.

Standardize biospecimen-related protocol amendments

Slope’s amendment management standardizes study changes or amendments, which enables rapid sample management workflow changes across all sites as soon as changes are approved — ensuring clinicians always follow the most recent study requirements.

Monitor real-time site inventory levels

Slope’s inventory availability and utilization tracking provides sponsors with visibility into clinical inventory including shipments, receipt, quantity, and expiry.
Additionally, Slope ensures sites have the correct kits available to collect samples according to study documents.

sample tracking and chain of custody

Close critical gaps in sample visibility & chain of custody

Slope controls the biospecimen lifecycle and improves the speed, accuracy, visibility, and access to biospecimen data for sponsors — closing the gap by connecting disparate stakeholders and data systems within a singular platform.
Diagram depicting study stakeholders' typical lack of visibility to clinical trial activities, juxtaposed by the end-to-end visibility provided by Slope.
Gain real-time visibility to sample status
See every step of a sample's journey from collection, processing, storage, shipping, and beyond — across the entire biospecimen lifecycle.
Monitor expected vs actual sample activity as it happens
Reveal issues or deviations in sample collection and processing in real-time vs weeks or months, enabling faster risk mitigation and data availability.
Easily produce interim study progress reports
Fulfill your regulatory obligations for oversight, and make critical go/no-go decisions throughout your study.


Alleviate the burden of sample‑related queries and reconciliation

Slope automated workflows significantly reduce sample-related discrepancies and queries. Through integrations with any EDC and LIMS, Slope enables proper data integrity, harmonization, and expedited resolution to sample discrepancies.

Avoid EDC and lab queries with e-requisition forms, e-manifests, and harmonized site to lab data to enable faster data reconciliation

Slope significantly reduces EDC and lab queries related to mismatched data due to manual handwritten forms and transposition errors by fully digitizing the data and integrating data sources.
Through controlling sample data collection, processing, and shipping, we ensure data continuity between sites and lab vendors to result in less discrepancies and faster data reconciliation.
An eRequisition form displayed in the Slope platform.

Reduce sample shipment errors

Slope’s digital platform reduces human error that results in missing data, incorrect shipments, or illegible information on written forms.

Clinical research site adoption and usage

The only site‑centric solution that delivers biospecimen data you can trust

Slope was built with and for site staff — which is why it’s been adopted by 75% of NCI‑designated cancer centers, and has a growing site community of thousands of sites that perform their daily activities directly in the system.


Augment your lab vendor operational oversight, sample management, and reconciliation resources with Slope’s expertise

Slope consulting and FSP services
A purple circle containing a white checkmark.
Lab vendor oversight & management
A purple circle containing a white checkmark.
Biomarker & bioanalytical operations
A purple circle containing a white checkmark.
Biomarker & bioanalytical data management
A purple circle containing a white checkmark.
Clinical operations
In addition to our technology that orchestrates the biospecimen lifecycle, Slope’s consulting and FSP services are available for end-to-end sample management and data reconciliation.
Slope staff members have extensive scientific, lab vendor management, and clinical operations expertise with backgrounds in working directly for, and managing, a diverse number of sponsors, CROs, central labs, and third-party testing labs. We understand how all the components of your study fit together and can manage the interdependencies to ensure that the most complex trials succeed.
End‑to‑end management of your lab vendors and scientific strategy
To set up a clinical trial for success it's paramount the scientific vision is executed on a global scale. This means ensuring your central labs, testing labs, and related databases are set up correctly, managed, and interdependencies are accounted for.
Slope consulting and FSP services team are industry-leading SMEs that have strong scientific and operational leadership backgrounds. With experience working directly for, and managing, sponsors, central labs, testing labs, and CROs we ensure the proper interdependencies are accounted for and that your trial is set up for success.
Slope’s operational and vendor management leaders can help you with:
Biomarker and bioanalytical operations
End-to-end central and testing lab management — through setup, on trial management, and closeout
Ensuring scientific vision and plan laid out in the protocol is connected with global operational realities and risk management
Slope’s operational and vendor management leaders can help you with:
Biospecimen tracking from point of collection through the complete lifecycle
Sample metadata reconciliation and discrepancy identification
Query tracking, management, and resolution on all site and vendor data systems reporting on your biospecimens
Creation of all biospecimen data management documents governing data movement, management, and processing
Sample tracking and data reconciliation
Ensuring complete control over your sample lifecycle is central to your trial's success. Having reports to monitor your sample's journey while quickly identifying sample discrepancies through reconciliation is paramount to avoid compounding mistakes that can derail your trial.
Slope offers consulting and FSP services that can compliment your current sample tracking and reconciliation or enhance those processes with our Slope technology integrated sample management and reconciliation services.
Slope’s technology-enabled sample tracking and discrepancy reporting ensures faster and more accurate data visibility by surfacing trends that have significant impact to clinical trials.
Speak with an expert
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