Slope Resources

Tips, tricks, best practices, and insights for sponsors and research sites.

Case studies


University of Arizona Cancer Center Reduced Scheduled Test Deviations with Slope

Discover how the University of Arizona Cancer Center (UACC) transformed its clinical trials operations by cutting scheduled test deviations by 44%. This case study reveals how UACC overcame significant inventory management challenges that impacted trial safety, efficacy, and patient experience. Through the adoption of Slope’s clinical inventory management software, UACC streamlined workflows, ensured timely patient assessments, and enhanced their reputation with trial sponsors—all while improving patient satisfaction.
9 pages

Teal Health’s Partnership with Slope Contributes to FDA Breakthrough Designation for Groundbreaking At-Home Cervical Cancer Screening Device

Teal Health, aiming to revolutionize women's healthcare with their at-home cervical cancer screening device, the Teal Wand™, faced significant challenges during their initial clinical trials. These challenges included manual inventory and sample tracking, handwritten shipping manifests, and scaling issues as they expanded from a small pilot to a larger pivotal study.
9 pages

Gabrail Cancer Center Streamlines Trials and Cuts Inventory Waste Using Slope

Upgrading from disparate manual processes to a unified digital platform for managing inventory, Gabrail Cancer Center was able to reclaim hours of staff time each week, reduce lab kit waste by more than 20% across all of its studies, and enhance its collaboration with study stakeholders.
7 pages

NCI-designated UPMC Hillman Cancer Center successfully curtailed inventory chaos using Slope

As an epicenter for clinical research in the Mid-Atlantic, this large, world-renowned academic medical center (AMC) is a bustling hub for lab kits and other supplies. The dilemma, however, was that they did not have an efficient logistical infrastructure to support the high volume of inventory that was circulating through their disease centers. Leveraging a centralized, comprehensive inventory management platform translated to better accountability of lab kits, waste prevention, and more informed decision-making.
7 pages

Emerging Biotech Saved Over $300,000 on Phase I Oncology Trial with Slope

This emerging biotech was facing operational difficulties within its Phase 1 Oncology programs because of its complicated designs and sample requirements. Each study had an intricate network of clinical sites, a detailed clinical sample schema, multiple external sample destinations, and required shipping conditions. This was compounded by economic pressures and supply chain inefficiencies during the COVID pandemic. Read the case study to learn how this organization saved over $300k by leveraging Slope's clinical trial execution platform.
11 pages

White papers


De-risk Your Biospecimen Data by Turning Your Static Lab Manuals into Software-Guided Workflows

As precision medicine demands more complex study designs, static lab manuals and traditional methods for biospecimen management introduce serious risks. This white paper sheds light on the lab manual’s current role in sample management, the inherent pitfalls of traditional approaches, and the ways in which sponsors can leverage technological innovations to standardize research site practices and optimize compliance across all of their trials.
10 pages

Ensuring Patient Centricity in Oncology Trial Sample Management

Oncology clinical trial participants are required to contribute various biological samples — such as blood, saliva, and tissue — to demonstrate how a study drug could potentially affect their disease.
8 pages

State of Clinical Inventory at Sites

Clinical research sites are at the heart of clinical trials, however technology designed to support trial operations has overlooked a fundamental problem at the site-level: 75% of clinical research sites still manage their clinical inventory on paper and spreadsheets. Research sites lack visibility and control over the supplies sent to them, leading to a labor-intensive process that prevents clinicians from spending more time with their patients, or on activities that could enable them to be reimbursed. This white paper explains why real-time inventory management should be everyone’s objective.
7 pages

The Value of Turning a Static Lab Manual into Software-Guided Workflows

A site-centric clinical trial execution platform for managing inventory and biospecimens can dramatically improve compliance, efficiency, and visibility to the entire sample journey. This white paper sheds light on the lab manual’s current role in sample management, the inherent risks and challenges with traditional approaches, and the ways in which research sites can leverage technological innovations to completely revamp their operations across all of their studies.
12 pages

Ultimate Guide to Managing Biological Samples for Sites

As clinical researchers, your first responsibility is running your clinic and treating your patients. You care that supplies are available for your patients and that critical safety, efficacy, and exploratory lab samples get where they need to be. You understand the impact of lost or invalid samples on the patient and the repercussions improper sample management has on the safety and efficacy data and the overall integrity of your study. We’ve created this guide to help you better manage your samples and gain control over your supply chain while focusing on your core responsibilities around your clinic and your patients.
5 pages

Ultimate Guide to Managing Biological Samples for Sponsors

As a sponsor, you face numerous obligations when executing clinical trials, with the primary goal of gathering sufficient data to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of investigational products or devices. The data you collect must be defensible and complete, and biological samples represent a critical source of that data. Therefore, to successfully execute a clinical trial, the sample management process also needs to be defensible and complete. It is crucial to have visibility into the entire sample journey, as it demonstrates protocol compliance and sample traceability. Lost or mishandled samples can significantly impact research sites, patients, data integrity, and study timelines.
6 pages



Optimizing Your Clinical Trial Monitoring Strategy to Boost Research Site Compliance

Sponsors who are at the helm of clinical trial operations are responsible for crafting a robust monitoring strategy for every clinical trial. Part of their mission is to implement plans and solutions that safeguard patient well-being, ensure the accuracy and completeness of trial data, and facilitate compliance with both currently approved study documents and regulatory requirements.The reality is that the modern landscape of clinical research makes monitoring a daunting task. This e-book explores the ways in which you can optimize your clinical trial monitoring strategy to boost research site compliance.
18 pages


Slope for IITs

Learn more about how Slope can help your investigator-initiated trials achieve compliance, reduce study deviations, and streamline workflows with affordable, tech-enabled solutions. Discover how real-time sample tracking, automated inventory management, and expert support can save your team time and resources while maintaining research integrity across single-center and multi-center trials.



Unlock the Full Potential of Your Clinical Trials with Slope Professional Services

Ensure the success of your clinical trials with Slope’s comprehensive Professional Services, designed to optimize lab, biospecimen, and data management from start to finish. With expert support in protocol design, vendor selection, sample tracking, and data management, Slope empowers sponsors to meet critical timelines while maintaining data integrity and compliance. From study startup to closeout, Slope’s services provide oversight and monitoring at every stage, ensuring seamless trial execution and achieving your trial objectives with confidence.
2 pages
8 mins

Sample Management for Sponsors

Sponsors recognize that successful end-to-end sample management is crucial to developing new therapies, but the growth in clinical research — combined with increasing complexity of study designs — has exacerbated inconsistent and outdated approaches to sample management.
2 pages
8 mins

Integrations that Connect Everyone & Everything

Slope transforms study execution by connecting systems and study stakeholders to direct site operations and drive real-time, traceable, and operational clinical data. By syncing information across vendors and eClinical systems including EDC, IRT, LIMS, shippers, and other systems, critical data surrounding inventory and sample management becomes accessible and actionable anytime — strengthening data integrity, empowering decision-making, and accelerating clinical research timelines.
1 page
4 mins

Survey reports


The State of Clinical Inventory and Sample Management for Clinical Trials

Slope's inaugural State of Clinical Inventory and Sample Management survey gathered insights from 146 biopharma professionals on the impacts of inefficient, manual processes for managing clinical supply — lab kits, devices, ancillary supplies, and investigational product (IP) — and samples on budgets, timelines, data integrity, and patients. Download the survey report to learn more about these surprising findings.
21 pages



What Is Sample Tracking, and Why Is It Important?

It goes without saying that patient samples are the backbone of clinical trials, but what does that really mean? These biospecimens provide the data that sponsors need in order to determine the safety and efficacy of potentially life-saving, life-changing treatments. Just as important, however, the patient samples that support clinical research are physical extensions of real people who oftentimes already find themselves in a vulnerable state because of disease. Treating their biospecimens with extreme care not only optimizes and accelerates study outcomes; it’s also an act of respect towards those who are already sacrificing so much of themselves by participating in a trial.

Dissecting the Link Between Clinical Trial Monitoring and Research Site Compliance

A risk-based monitoring strategy, coupled with comprehensive oversight of patient samples, is critical to biosample operations. What can sponsors do to prevent and mitigate common site compliance issues that hinder study milestones and outcomes?

Ultimate Guide to Managing Biological Samples for Sponsors

As a sponsor, you face numerous obligations when executing clinical trials, with the primary goal of gathering sufficient data to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of investigational products or devices. The data you collect must be defensible and complete, and biological samples represent a critical source of that data. Therefore, to successfully execute a clinical trial, the sample management process also needs to be defensible and complete. It is crucial to have visibility into the entire sample journey, as it demonstrates protocol compliance and sample traceability. Lost or mishandled samples can significantly impact research sites, patients, data integrity, and study timelines.

Ultimate Guide to Managing Biological Samples for Sites

As clinical researchers, your first responsibility is running your clinic and treating your patients You care that supplies are available for your patients and that critical safety, efficacy, and exploratory lab samples get where they need to be. You understand the impact of lost or invalid samples on the patient and the repercussions improper sample management has on the safety and efficacy data and the overall integrity of your study.



Value-based Study Planning

Matt Smith, Slope’s VP of Research Site Development, recently presented at #FOB2023 on the topic of value-based study planning as a way to improve site and sponsor experiences. The presentation sparked an energized conversation around the high value we place on study start-up, while other important focus areas that directly impact a trial’s success further downstream remain overlooked.
21 mins

The Hidden Regulatory Risk in Biospecimen Sample Management

Clinical trials are operationally burdensome. Regulatory requirements are expected, but unclear. The importance of biospecimens is increasing, and regulatory risk grows with biospecimen importance. In this presentation, Slope's Chief Clinical Officer, Hope Meely, explains the many hidden regulatory risks in biospecimen management, and shares key strategies to achieve proactive regulatory risk-proofing.
22 mins



Note to File Podcast: Research Sites Deep Dive with Alex Yant and Brad Hightower

Alex Yant is a Solutions Engineer for Slope, the industry’s first Clinical Trial Execution platform. He works to add order, trust, and predictability to your clinical research trials, so they end on-time and on-budget. Alex has four years of healthcare experience, as both clinical research professional and a direct service provider. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from the University of Illinois at Chicago. In this episode we discuss the significance of diversity of experience in clinical trials, the role of sites in clinical trial inefficiency, and the complexity of managing site lab inventory.
40 mins

Note to File Podcast: Ethan Seville Interviews Brad Hightower

Ethan Seville is a clinical research professional who has worked in a wide range of indications across various roles such as patient recruitment, coordinating, quality assurance, management, and regulatory. Ethan is now the Manger of Customer Engagement and Strategic Solutions for, which helps researchers by ensuring their network of clinical trial patients get the exact medical supplies their care requires on time, on schedule and on budget. In this episode, Ethan interviews Brad.
53 mins
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